Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Poor, poor Mr. Quick

I have basically ceased to accomplish anything in these past few days. The semester is not quite over, but I'm sure acting like it is. My Duke application is due next Monday and I have yet to finish that, and I have a paper to write, 6 bassoon reeds to finish, a group project to finish and a history final to take. Yuck.

I was recently reunited with an old acquaintance who consumed a lot of my time this weekend (not in a bad way...it was a weekend of my two favorite deadly sins: sloth and lust) but now I really need to make up for it. However, I seem to be incapable of doing anything useful these days. Alas.

1 comment:

Marisa Jeanne said...

Hey, if you go to Duke you can hang out with Alex's new girlfriend! Ravishing!

And if I get into Columbia, ever, we can be intellectual snobs together! Yeah!