Friday, December 5, 2008


I was getting really nervous about my thesis topic because I wasn't actually sure if I liked it or not. When I was doing some reading for it last night, however, I got really interested again! Good.

I have submitted my first two grad school applications. And I apparently made a mistake on one of them! However, I'm hoping that since that took the time to contact me and correct me, there are hopefully looking at me with some interest. Maybe not.

Also, I quit one of my jobs yesterday. At the bookstore. I just couldn't deal with the monotony anymore, and they keep making all sorts of really absurd rules. Most recently, we are not allowed to hug anyone or to tell anyone 'I love you.' I think the only thing I'm really going to miss, other than the money, is one of my coworkers. I don't know if I want her or if I want to be her. I will just need to go watch/listen to her spin more often.

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